Monday, June 26, 2017

My Second Act

I decided on SteeleAct2 as a blog address because earning an M.Ed. in TESL is part of a professional Act II for me.  I spent nearly 30 years working in broadcast television as a news and documentary director, writer, and producer. In that time, I had the good fortune to shoot in more than a dozen countries and to work with amazing people.

However, as far back as my college days, I knew I wanted to teach in higher education and decided that I would make that switch at about 50 years old as a sort of "retirement career".  I anticipated even back then that I might need to work well into my golden years and also that I might want to step off the media train at some point.  That turned out to be an accurate prediction because the time came when I found I had lost interest in keeping up with the rapid-fire pace of technological/digital changes in media.   Still, my 50th birthday came and took me a while to land on just what I wanted to teach! Ultimately, the many roads of my interests, background, and disposition converged and I decided that teaching ESL to adults would be a way to be of service, to thrive in the vibrant multi-cultural environments I love, and to have the potential of working internationally again.

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